Saturday, September 27, 2008

Chicken Kurma

After numerous tries of many different recipes for the authentic chicken kurma, I have finally got this one and thoroughly satisfied. Using the Organic Chicken with bones makes this curry really very tasty. This goes great with rice, chappati, poori, iddli or dosa.


Organic Chicken - 1 pound
garlic - 6 pieces
ginger - equal quantity as garlic
onion thin long sliced - 1/2 cup
tomatoes chopped - 1/2 cup
cloves - 4
cinnamon sticks - 3 small sticks
elachi - 2
peppercorns - 1 tsp
fennel seeds - 1/2 tsp
corriander seeds - 1 tsp
cummin seeds - 1 tsp
red chillies - 5
cocunut - half
casews - 10 pieces
poppy seeds - 2 tps
turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp


1. Grind ginger and garlic to a smooth paste
2. Cut the chicken and marinate it with chilly powder, turmeric and salt
3. Fry the cloves, cinnamon, elachi, pepper, fennel seeds, corriander seeds, cummin seeds, red chillies, casews and poppy seeds and grind it into a smooth paste with cocunut.
4. In a Pan take oil and fry the onion
5. Add paste from step 1
6. Add tomatoes and fry
7. Add the chicken and let cook the chicken in low flame
8. Add the paste from 3
9. Cook for one whistle


Soumya said...

Thanks for this recipe Alak! Turned out awesome!!! Keep posting new recipes.

Anonymous said...

hey alak,
this chicken recipe and chicken biryani looks very interesting!! great going!!

Alak said...

thanks :)